Mikko Kristian Kouki (born 14 September 1967) is a Finnish actor, theatre director and screenwriter. He has appeared in more than thirty films since 1986.
Lovers & Leavers
⭐ 4.7Christmas Story
⭐ 7.2Vääpeli Sadon tapaus
⭐ 3Frozen Land
⭐ 6.9Beauty and the Bastard
⭐ 6.289Tears of April
⭐ 6.3Päätepysäkki
⭐ 2Porttikielto taivaaseen
⭐ 3.5Plainlands
⭐ 6A Patriotic Man
⭐ 5.529Man Exposed
⭐ 5.615Vares: The Sheriff
⭐ 6The Girl King
⭐ 6.3Vares X
⭐ 4.5King of Hearts
⭐ 6.071Naked Harbour
⭐ 6Say Yes and Dance
⭐ 5.78-Ball
⭐ 6Unknown Soldier
⭐ 7.58 Days to Premiere
⭐ 4.5The Potato Venture
⭐ 5.8Gold Digger
⭐ 5.533Blackout
⭐ 4.7Fingerpori
⭐ 4.1The Violin Player
⭐ 6.205Unna and Nuuk
⭐ 6Apple Thieves
⭐ 7