Leonel de Moura Brizola (22 January 1922 – 21 June 2004) was a Brazilian politician. Launched into politics by Brazilian president Getúlio Vargas in the 1930–1950s, Brizola was the only politician to serve as elected governor of two Brazilian states. An engineer by training, Brizola organized the youth wing of the Brazilian Labour Party and served as state representative for Rio Grande do Sul and mayor of its capital, Porto
Beyond Citizen Kane
⭐ 7.7Jango
⭐ 6.9Andança: Os Encontros e as Memórias de Beth Carvalho
⭐ 8.2Dossiê Jango
⭐ 7O Evangelho Segundo Teotônio
⭐ 0Brizola - Tempos de Luta
⭐ 01964: 40 Years After
⭐ 0Muda Brasil
⭐ 0The Day That Lasted 21 Years
⭐ 7.6Zona Eleitoral
⭐ 01º de Abril, Brasil
⭐ 0Democracia em Preto e Branco
⭐ 8O Velho - A História de Luiz Carlos Prestes
⭐ 7.4Darcy, um Brasileiro
⭐ 0Brizola, Anotações para uma História
⭐ 0Matheus Schdmit, um caso de amor pelo Brasil
⭐ 0Abdias do Nascimento - Memória Negra
⭐ 0