Trained initially as a clown, Perez became a comedic star in the Nickelodeon era in France, working at Pathe, Eclair, and Ambrosio studios. Moving to the United States during the First World War, Perez continued writing, directing and starring in short comedies until an amputated leg forced him to work behind the camera.
Miss Tweedledum
⭐ 4.3Tweedledum as Aviator
⭐ 6.7Robinet: Cyclist
⭐ 6Tweedledum Wants to Be a Jockey
⭐ 4Pedestrian Love
⭐ 5.1La nuova cameriera è troppo bella
⭐ 5A Bath Tub Elopement
⭐ 5Robinet’s White Suit
⭐ 5.5Robinet è Geloso
⭐ 5Tweedledum in Love with a Singer
⭐ 5A Busy Night
⭐ 0Camouflage
⭐ 0You're Next
⭐ 5Tweedledum's Sweet Wife
⭐ 4Some Hero
⭐ 0Police in the Year 2000
⭐ 5Lend Me Your Wife
⭐ 0Robinet boxeur
⭐ 5.2L'auto di Robinet
⭐ 5.5Robinet chauffeur miope
⭐ 5Sweet Daddy
⭐ 5The Short-Sighted Cyclist
⭐ 0Chickens in Turkey
⭐ 0Pinched
⭐ 0Friday the 13th
⭐ 0A Scrambled Honeymoon
⭐ 0Oh! What a Day
⭐ 0Wild
⭐ 0The Extraordinary Adventures of Saturnino Farandola
⭐ 5.6Can You Beat It?
⭐ 0Lash of the Law
⭐ 0Robinet padre e figlio
⭐ 4Tweedledum on His First Bicycle
⭐ 5Una Dichiarazione Impossibile di Robinet
⭐ 4Tweedledum a Rich Man for Ten Minutes
⭐ 4Robinet in vacanza
⭐ 5Robinet ricattatore
⭐ 4Le furberie di Robinet
⭐ 0Robinet Reporter
⭐ 0Robinet Pescatore
⭐ 0Tweedledum's Itching Powder
⭐ 0Tweedledum as a Cycling Policeman
⭐ 0Il duello di Robinet
⭐ 4Tweedledum's Auto-Skates
⭐ 0The Destruction of Carthage
⭐ 0