Rogério Sganzerla (1946 — 2004) was a Brazilian filmmaker and one of the main names of the Cinema de Invenção (or Cinema Marginal) underground movement. Influenced by Orson Welles, Jean-Luc Godard, and José Mojica Marins, Sganzerla often used clichés from film noir and pornochanchadas. Irony, narrative subversion and collage were trademarks of his film aesthetics. Sganzerla was born in Joaçaba, in the state of Santa Catarina, but moved with his family to
The Good Cinema
⭐ 0Glauber Rocha - The Movie, Brazil's Labyrinth
⭐ 5.8Noel por Noel
⭐ 6A Mulher da Luz Própria
⭐ 8Candango: Memoirs from a Festival
⭐ 5Horror Palace Hotel
⭐ 6Rogério Sganzerla e Sylvio Renoldi sobre "O Bandido da Luz Vermelha"
⭐ 0The Long Voyage of the Yellow Bus
⭐ 9Mr. Sganzerla: Os Signos da Luz
⭐ 3.5A Miss e o Dinossauro
⭐ 5O Galante Rei da Boca
⭐ 0Copacabana, Mon Amour: A Restauração
⭐ 0Extracts
⭐ 0The Universe of Mojica Marins
⭐ 0Torquato Neto, O Anjo Torto da Tropicália
⭐ 0A Marca do Terrir
⭐ 2Brazilian Cinema in the 20th Century
⭐ 0The Red Light Bandit
⭐ 7.6Audácia!
⭐ 5Rogério Sganzerla Send His Message to Brazil
⭐ 6Belair
⭐ 0Ivan, the TerrirBle
⭐ 1