Aparna Nair is an Indian film actress, who appears in Malayalam films. Aparna completed her schooling from St Pauls EMHSS Tenhipalam in Malappuram district of Kerala. She was introduced to the world of cinema by the veteran Lohithadas in Nivedyam, after he saw her modelling pictures. Post Nivedyam, her claim to fame was her portrayal of the lead Panchali in the play Chayamukhi, which had her sharing the stage with Mohanlal
Kallan D'Souza
⭐ 5.5Chinni Chinni Aasa
⭐ 0Kalki
⭐ 4.9Edhuvum Nadakkum
⭐ 0Immanuel
⭐ 6.3Street Light
⭐ 0Thamara
⭐ 0Thattathin Marayathu
⭐ 7.1Cocktail
⭐ 6.9Mallu Singh
⭐ 5Beautiful
⭐ 6.9Mumbai Police
⭐ 7Hotel California
⭐ 4.3The Power of Silence
⭐ 5Masala Republic
⭐ 5.7Seconds
⭐ 5.5Madhura Naranga
⭐ 5.9Run Baby Run
⭐ 5.8Vanyam
⭐ 0@Andheri
⭐ 0Paisa Paisa
⭐ 4.8Kayam
⭐ 0Nivedyam
⭐ 4.2Notebook
⭐ 7.1Mayookham
⭐ 5.3Meghatheertham
⭐ 0St Mary'sile Kolapathakam
⭐ 0