Leonid G. Pirogov (alias Lucy Pirogova; March 23 1910 — April 15 1968) — Soviet film and theater actor.
We Love You
⭐ 3Duel
⭐ 7A Miracle Maker
⭐ 5.7Доктор Вера
⭐ 0«Богатырь» идёт в Марто
⭐ 8Gunan-Bator
⭐ 0The Secret of Two Oceans
⭐ 5.1Magic Store
⭐ 7.3When Christmas Trees Light Up
⭐ 7.2The Fall of Berlin
⭐ 5.1Fear Has Big Eyes
⭐ 4.8Roads and Destinies
⭐ 0Hello, Moscow!
⭐ 6.2Limpopo
⭐ 0Грибок-теремок
⭐ 4We Are Russian People
⭐ 6On Thin Ice
⭐ 6.2Seven Babysitters
⭐ 5.9The Lost Letter
⭐ 5.8The White Fang
⭐ 5.3The Ugly Story
⭐ 5An Extraordinary Assignment
⭐ 5The Drummer's Fate
⭐ 8The Marvelous Garden
⭐ 0The Great Glinka
⭐ 6The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda
⭐ 0Father Frost and the Grey Wolf
⭐ 6.5The Cat's House
⭐ 5.8The Island of Miracles
⭐ 0The Tale of Tsar Saltan
⭐ 0The Eagle's Feather
⭐ 6.5The Tale of the Golden Rooster
⭐ 6.8The Hunchedback Horse
⭐ 6.722A Peacock's Tail
⭐ 4.5Wash-’em-Clean
⭐ 7.7Iniquity
⭐ 0Without Prejudice
⭐ 7The Volunteers
⭐ 4.8Hostile Whirlwinds
⭐ 4.8No Fear, No Blame
⭐ 3.7On the Wild Coast of the Irtysh
⭐ 0Морские рассказы
⭐ 0The Heart of the Brave
⭐ 7A Sober Sparrow
⭐ 0A Negro Fairytale
⭐ 5Telephone
⭐ 6The Fox, the Beaver and Others
⭐ 10Beloved Beauty
⭐ 6.5The Three Bears
⭐ 0The Lion and the Hare
⭐ 0Geese-Swans
⭐ 6.5On the Forest Stage
⭐ 0The Tale About Malchish-Kibalchish
⭐ 0The Forest Concert
⭐ 0The Wolf and the Seven Kids
⭐ 9