Marie Laure Viole Bellon, generally known as Loleh Bellon, (1925–1999) was a French stage and film actress as well as a playwright. In 1949, for her role in Robert Desnos' La Place de l'Étoile, she was awarded the Prix des Jeunes comédiens. She is remembered for her performances in Giraudoux' Judith and in Claudel's L'Annonce faite à Marie. Bellon was also a successful playwright, especially with Dames du jeudi (1976),
Casque d'Or
⭐ 7.3The Barton Mystery
⭐ 0The Perfume of the Lady in Black
⭐ 5Skipper Next to God
⭐ 0Jamais plus toujours
⭐ 6.5Quatrevingt-treize
⭐ 0Les Beaux Quartiers
⭐ 0The Mark Of The Day
⭐ 8Le gardian
⭐ 0The Wings of the Dove
⭐ 5.2Le Bel Âge
⭐ 5.3Somewhere, Someone
⭐ 6.1Gustave Moreau
⭐ 0Le Train de nuit
⭐ 0⭐ 10