⭐ 0Os Que se Vão
⭐ 0Eclipse Solar
⭐ 0The Most Beloved
⭐ 1O Veredicto
⭐ 0Charcoal
⭐ 6.775Days Without Her
⭐ 0The Moving Creatures
⭐ 6.8Transamazonia
⭐ 8The Sun Against My Eyes
⭐ 3.5The Japanese Boy
⭐ 0As Horas Vulgares
⭐ 0Mercuric Oxycyanide
⭐ 0Power Alley
⭐ 7.5Blue Blood
⭐ 5.6Tybalt Dead, Romeo Exiled
⭐ 6The Author
⭐ 0The Intrusion
⭐ 5All the Colors of the Night
⭐ 0The Time and Turn of Augusto Matraga
⭐ 7.9Elon Doesn't Believe in Death
⭐ 5.3The Last Breath
⭐ 3.5Joaquim
⭐ 7.3The Man Who Became Cabinet
⭐ 0Eu Não Sou Daqui
⭐ 0Punhal
⭐ 5.5Land Vessels
⭐ 0The Boat
⭐ 6Marie
⭐ 5Os Sonâmbulos
⭐ 1Carcereiros: O Filme
⭐ 6.3Valentina
⭐ 6.3In the Heart of the World
⭐ 6.3Abandonment
⭐ 6Natureza Morta
⭐ 2Neverquiet (Film of Wonders)
⭐ 6Mutum
⭐ 7.4Quando a Terra Treme
⭐ 5River of Desire
⭐ 6.647Organismo
⭐ 6Currais
⭐ 7Baptism of Blood
⭐ 7.4Sonhos e Desejos
⭐ 5.3Colostro
⭐ 0Manas
⭐ 0⭐ 7.7⭐ 8.7⭐ 7.6⭐ 6⭐ 6.9