⭐ 0The Boy Who Stole the World
⭐ 0Sex, Drugs & Taxation
⭐ 6.5The Shooter
⭐ 5.1Itsi Bitsi
⭐ 5Kontra
⭐ 6One-Two-Three Now!
⭐ 6.7The Way to Mandalay
⭐ 6The Gentle Pain
⭐ 6Heavy Load
⭐ 6.5Vildt
⭐ 0Sangen
⭐ 8The Casting of an Innocent Woman
⭐ 6The Oasis
⭐ 0Vogn 347
⭐ 0Vilde sind
⭐ 0Cactus
⭐ 0⭐ 7.514⭐ 6.5⭐ 6.2⭐ 7.5⭐ 6.2⭐ 8.3⭐ 7.6⭐ 8⭐ 0⭐ 8⭐ 5.7⭐ 9.8⭐ 6.7⭐ 7⭐ 7.6⭐ 6.778⭐ 0⭐ 0⭐ 8⭐ 7.8⭐ 6.556