Jorge Silva Melo is a Portuguese actor, theatre director, writer, playwright and translator. In 1973 Melo founded the Teatro da Cornucópia with Luís Miguel Cintra. He received critical acclaim for his work as a playwright. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Conversation Is Over
⭐ 5.1Twin Flames
⭐ 6Ainda Não Acabámos: Como Se Fosse Uma Carta
⭐ 0The Satin Slipper
⭐ 7.3Silvestre
⭐ 6.1Island of Loves
⭐ 6.4Lisboa no Cinema, Um Ponto de Vista
⭐ 6.5He Goes Long Barefoot That Waits For Dead Men's Shoes
⭐ 4.7Repórter X
⭐ 0No Tempo do Cinema
⭐ 0Gestures and Fragments
⭐ 8E Não se Pode Exterminá-lo?
⭐ 0The Jester
⭐ 6.5Vertiges
⭐ 6.5A Girl in Summer
⭐ 4.7O Outro Teatro ou As Coisas Pertencem a Quem as Torna Melhores
⭐ 0Álvaro Lapa: A Literatura
⭐ 0No Speaking
⭐ 0