Yasubei Nakayama
⭐ 0Riverside Fish Market Empire
⭐ 0Kawaii akujo: Konomama koroshite
⭐ 0日米花嫁花婿入替取替合戦
⭐ 0Super Giant: Earth on the Verge of Destruction
⭐ 0Super Giant: The Mysterious Spacemen's Demonic Castle
⭐ 4Travelling Actors
⭐ 6.1Where Chimneys Are Seen
⭐ 6.4Decisive Battle at Kuroda Castle
⭐ 6New Resume of Love Affairs
⭐ 0関八州喧嘩陣
⭐ 0Conduct Report on Professor Ishinaka
⭐ 6.4女大学野球狂時代
⭐ 0ノイローゼ兄さんガッチリ娘
⭐ 0The Tale of Jiro
⭐ 5Oogonju
⭐ 0Naked Pursuit
⭐ 4.5Harenchi jogakusei: Shojo urimasu
⭐ 0Fire Line
⭐ 3.7東京の夜は泣いている
⭐ 0オフィス妻のさけび
⭐ 0Emperor & Empress Meiji and the Sino-Japanese War
⭐ 0Fearful Attack of the Flying Saucers
⭐ 0Ghost Cat of Nabeshima
⭐ 6.5The Blood Sword of the 99th Virgin
⭐ 8Yellow Line
⭐ 7World of Love
⭐ 0The Ghosts of Kagami Pond
⭐ 8