I Never Cry
⭐ 7The Wedding
⭐ 7.159Cosmogonic
⭐ 0The Dark House
⭐ 6.414Cesare's Dream
⭐ 0A Round Week
⭐ 0Night Conversations
⭐ 5.5Breaking the Limits
⭐ 7.645Sezon na leszcza
⭐ 4.8Jak to się robi z dziewczynami
⭐ 4.4The Traffic Department
⭐ 6.613Love Me and Do Whatever You Want
⭐ 5.5Wojna z rzeczami
⭐ 0Muka!
⭐ 0The Mighty Angel
⭐ 6.3Life Feels Good
⭐ 7.289Insatiability
⭐ 4.7A Grain of Truth
⭐ 6.326Killing Love
⭐ 5.7Diplodocus
⭐ 0Emilia
⭐ 5.7Dom dobry, sen zły
⭐ 0Carte Blanche
⭐ 6.758Polish Shit
⭐ 2.5The Performer
⭐ 3.5You Are God
⭐ 6.4Hatred
⭐ 7.314Prosta historia o miłości
⭐ 0Przez ścianę
⭐ 0Supermarket
⭐ 5.167Ojcze masz
⭐ 7I'm a Killer
⭐ 6.9The Art of Loving: Story of Michalina Wislocka
⭐ 6.5The Auricle
⭐ 5.1Ksiadz
⭐ 5.4Silent Night
⭐ 7.1The Lullaby Killer
⭐ 5.475Little Crushes
⭐ 4Clergy
⭐ 6.617Treatment
⭐ 10The Big Leap
⭐ 6Fallen Art
⭐ 7Pigs 3
⭐ 6.6Black Sheep
⭐ 7.2The Wedding Day
⭐ 6.121Palimpsest
⭐ 4.8⭐ 6.714⭐ 7⭐ 5.833⭐ 4.6⭐ 0⭐ 6.3⭐ 6.214⭐ 6.944⭐ 0⭐ 0