Generals Without Buttons
â 0Debout lĂ -dedans !
â 0My Little Marquise
â 0Ceux De Demain
â 10The Rebel
â 0The Duel
â 0Hell of Angels
â 6.9Cordial Agreement
â 5.4Sins of Youth
â 5.5Portrait of Innocence
â 6.3Les 3 tambours
â 0Fou d'amour
â 0Children of Chaos
â 5The Novel of Werther
â 6.4The Phantom Wagon
â 7.2LucrĂšce
â 4From Mayerling to Sarajevo
â 7Boys' School
â 7.3Little One
â 0Les Cadets de l'ocĂ©an
â 5Who Killed Santa Claus?
â 6.6Letâs Go Up the Champs-ĂlysĂ©es
â 5.7The Call
â 0