⭐ 6.6Pitchi-Poï ou La parole donnée
⭐ 0Incorrigible
⭐ 6.3Buffet Froid
⭐ 7.1La Mandarine
⭐ 4.7Cookies
⭐ 6.3The Immoral One
⭐ 4.1The Hostage Gang
⭐ 5It's Tough for Everybody
⭐ 5.5The Education in Love of Valentin
⭐ 5Holy Year
⭐ 6.6Les gros bras
⭐ 3.8Les gros malins
⭐ 1The Adventures of Zadig
⭐ 0Hotel du Lac
⭐ 4Handsome Face
⭐ 0Chinese Glory
⭐ 6.4Chut !
⭐ 0The Restroom Robbery
⭐ 6.5The Big Store
⭐ 6.317Catherine & Co.
⭐ 1Vincent, Francois, Paul and the Others
⭐ 7The Seventh Company Has Been Found
⭐ 7.3⭐ 7.5⭐ 5.8⭐ 0