Zhi Cheng Zhi was born on February 3, 1926 in Wuchang, Hubei. Two years later he moved to Shanghai with his grandfather, tenth-ranking scholar. Grandfather was proficient in poetry, calligraphy, and seal engraving. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, he was the supervisor of the Yuelu Academy in Hunan. He has more than ten albums, and has compiled and published many representative works of the Tan School. He was
The Red Detachment of Women
⭐ 6.1The Knife-Thrower
⭐ 0The Old Man and the Fairy
⭐ 0Railroad Guerrilla
⭐ 5.4她俩和他俩
⭐ 0男女有别
⭐ 0面目全非
⭐ 0笑出来的眼泪
⭐ 0Troubled Laughter
⭐ 6.8Bright Day
⭐ 0齐天乐春节晚会
⭐ 0The Horror Night
⭐ 8Nan wang de zhan dou
⭐ 0Son, Grandson and Seeds
⭐ 0The Watch
⭐ 0Sorrows and Joys of a Middle-Aged Man
⭐ 8.3Shen mao yu tie zhi zhu
⭐ 0Fu Shi
⭐ 0Caravans with Ring
⭐ 0Duo guan xian shi
⭐ 0The Old Man and the Fairy
⭐ 0What Is Love?
⭐ 0Romance of a Calligrapher
⭐ 7.5Desert Chasing Bandits
⭐ 0Li Shizhen
⭐ 0This Life of Mine
⭐ 7.2Family
⭐ 6.5The Letter with Feathers
⭐ 6Hasen and Jiamila
⭐ 0多情的帽子
⭐ 0Cowboy Joining the Army
⭐ 0Feng liu ju zhang
⭐ 0愁眉笑脸
⭐ 0乘风破浪
⭐ 0兰兰和冬冬
⭐ 4铁窗烈火
⭐ 0The Magician's Adventures
⭐ 0The Red Sun
⭐ 0Long Live the Mistress!
⭐ 7Jian mian li
⭐ 6Underground Route
⭐ 0A small story in a big storm
⭐ 0Kai qiang, wei ta song xing!
⭐ 0⭐ 8.346⭐ 0