Izumi Fujimoto is an actress, known for Saiaku no sotsugyôshiki (2013), Sakamoto kun wa mitamne dake ga majime (2015) and Kamen byôtô (2020).
⭐ 0The Blood
⭐ 8Kabuki Drop
⭐ 0Kodokunogurume ōmisoka supesharu ~ tabe-osame! Setouchi shutchō-hen ~
⭐ 10Blue Spring Ride
⭐ 6.7Tales of the Bizarre: 2016 Spring Special
⭐ 0Commuting to School Series Commuter Tram
⭐ 5.2Commuting to School Series On the Way to School
⭐ 6.2Before the Vigil
⭐ 6Kidan Piece of Darkness
⭐ 6.1What's for Dinner, Mom?
⭐ 6.9Kobe Zaiju: The Movie
⭐ 0Neko Ninja
⭐ 3Shinokubo Story
⭐ 7Ogawacho Serenade
⭐ 8A Flower Aflame
⭐ 6Tales of the Bizarre: 2012 Autumn Special
⭐ 5.7Sketches of Life
⭐ 6Last Attack: Hikisakareta Shima no Kioku
⭐ 0⭐ 7.5⭐ 6.5⭐ 7⭐ 4.5⭐ 6.417⭐ 0⭐ 8