Calling Out For You
⭐ 0About Tilla
⭐ 4Maria's Men
⭐ 4.5Gone with the Woman
⭐ 6.4Livredd
⭐ 313 Never Again!
⭐ 6.4Hører du ikke hva jeg sier!
⭐ 2.5Home for Christmas
⭐ 5.935Unexpected Summer
⭐ 4.7Zeppelin
⭐ 0Ta den ring
⭐ 6.2For Real
⭐ 0Teddy's Christmas
⭐ 6.989Sons of Norway
⭐ 6.6Varg Veum - Buried Dogs
⭐ 5.714O'Horten
⭐ 6.49I Belong
⭐ 6.2Weekend
⭐ 4Septembermordet
⭐ 0Pastor Jarman Comes Home
⭐ 5.5Herman
⭐ 5.8Thranes metode
⭐ 2Peer Gynt
⭐ 0⭐ 6.3⭐ 5.8⭐ 0⭐ 0