Hall Pass
⭐ 5.704Night Shift
⭐ 6.2Horror Anthology Volume 1
⭐ 6Underdog Kids
⭐ 5.7Gone Missing
⭐ 5.7The Starving Games
⭐ 4.2Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon
⭐ 6.319The Uninvited
⭐ 5.7The Heartbreak Kid
⭐ 5.7Starstruck
⭐ 7Is That a Gun in Your Pocket?
⭐ 6.5Art School Confidential
⭐ 6.1George of the Jungle
⭐ 5.621Her Last Will
⭐ 6.85Best Fake Friends
⭐ 0Broken Star
⭐ 4.9Ghost World
⭐ 7.077Spartan
⭐ 6.2Dance Flick
⭐ 4.846The Test
⭐ 3.5Free Birds
⭐ 5.871