The Cross Bearer
⭐ 0Chains of Evidence
⭐ 0Joan of Plattsburg
⭐ 0Kitty and the Cowboys
⭐ 0Miss Jekyll and Madame Hyde
⭐ 0The Awakening of Ruth
⭐ 0The Little Captain
⭐ 0The Suspect
⭐ 0Jane's Bashful Hero
⭐ 8The Musical Barber
⭐ 0Who Killed Joe Merrion?
⭐ 0The Oakdale Affair
⭐ 0The Alibi
⭐ 0The Dawn of Freedom
⭐ 0Phantom Fortunes
⭐ 0For the Honor of the Crew
⭐ 0The Man, the Mission and the Maid
⭐ 0Bullin' the Bullsheviki
⭐ 0Les Misérables
⭐ 5Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation
⭐ 0A Bit of Blue Ribbon
⭐ 6The Foolish Virgin
⭐ 0When Men Desire
⭐ 0The Woman Under Oath
⭐ 5The Midnight Girl
⭐ 5The Venus Model
⭐ 0Cabman Kate
⭐ 5Mortmain
⭐ 0Too Much Money
⭐ 0The Strange Story of Sylvia Gray
⭐ 0God's Crucible
⭐ 0The Birth of a Race
⭐ 5Hitting the Trail
⭐ 0Beloved Adventuress
⭐ 0Moral Courage
⭐ 0The Mystery Mind
⭐ 0West of the Water Tower
⭐ 0Beaned by a Beanshooter
⭐ 0In Arcadia
⭐ 0The Dust of Egypt
⭐ 0The Goddess
⭐ 0