Sun Yue (孙越) is a Chinese actor. He is the grandson of the late famous crosstalker Li Wenhua, who studied under Zhao Xiaolin (called "Mian'er Zhao" in the cross talk world). He is the only one who speaks crosstalk among the descendants of the Li family.
Runaway God of Wealth 4
⭐ 0Goodbye 2
⭐ 7.5德云社庚子年封箱庆典第一场
⭐ 0德云社庚子年封箱庆典第二场
⭐ 0Waiting for You in a Long Time
⭐ 0Hero Awaken
⭐ 0Age of the Legend
⭐ 0Ace Bodyguard
⭐ 0I Like You More
⭐ 5德云社爱岳之城岳云鹏跨年专场广州站
⭐ 0The Demon Hunter
⭐ 0德云社郭德纲跨年相声专场北展站2021
⭐ 10Super Daddy
⭐ 6.3Runaway God of Wealth 3
⭐ 9Brother, Stop Making Trouble
⭐ 0The King of BBQ
⭐ 6Goodbye
⭐ 7.2德云社乙未年封箱专场
⭐ 0Er Long Lake Monster
⭐ 0德云社癸卯年封箱庆典
⭐ 02024天津卫视相声春晚
⭐ 0Runaway God of Wealth 5
⭐ 0Bell Chamber
⭐ 0Good Luck
⭐ 0Woof Woof Daddy
⭐ 5.5I Have Superpower
⭐ 0德云社岳云鹏孙越相声专场上海站 20230710期
⭐ 0德云社岳云鹏孙越相声专场郑州站 20230807期
⭐ 0德云社岳云鹏孙越相声专场济南站 20231002期
⭐ 0德云社岳云鹏孙越相声专场长沙站 20231204期
⭐ 0德云社岳云鹏孙越相声专场深圳站 20231225期
⭐ 0德云社纲丝节之“撂地当年”专场 20240101期
⭐ 0The Faces of My Gene
⭐ 4.1A Fantastic Encounter
⭐ 2Runaway God of Wealth 2
⭐ 0Looking For Love
⭐ 0Haohi's Adventure
⭐ 0Hot Pot Artist
⭐ 0⭐ 10⭐ 0⭐ 0⭐ 9⭐ 0⭐ 0⭐ 0⭐ 8.5