Die Hosen des Ritters von Bredow
⭐ 2A Hungarian Nabob
⭐ 7.2The Black City
⭐ 0No Love, Please
⭐ 7Professor Hannibal
⭐ 5.1Summer Rain
⭐ 0Willy The Sparrow
⭐ 6.6Dragon and Slippers
⭐ 7Csutak and the Grey Horse
⭐ 0Don't Keep Off the Grass
⭐ 0A Certain Major Benedek
⭐ 0Ketten haltak meg
⭐ 0Twenty Hours
⭐ 5.5Summer Clouds
⭐ 0The Bells Have Gone to Rome
⭐ 0Johnny Corncob
⭐ 8The Birth of Menyhért Simon
⭐ 7Bunny
⭐ 0Smugglers
⭐ 8Merry-Go-Round
⭐ 7.8Husaren in Berlin
⭐ 6.5Cold Days
⭐ 7Underground Colony
⭐ 4I'll Appeal to the Minister
⭐ 8.3Mattie the Goose-Boy
⭐ 7.1The Storm
⭐ 0The Day of Wrath
⭐ 0Abyss
⭐ 0Nehéz kesztyük
⭐ 0Yesterday
⭐ 10Raid
⭐ 0A Bird of Heaven
⭐ 0Az arc nélküli város
⭐ 0Pár lépés a határ
⭐ 0The Brigade No. 39
⭐ 0Wie füttert man einen Esel
⭐ 5A Window on the Sky
⭐ 0⭐ 7⭐ 8⭐ 4.7⭐ 4.7⭐ 8⭐ 8