Jessa Flux, a versatile performer hailing from Evansville, Indiana, captivates audiences with her dynamic presence in independent horror films, showcasing her talents in cult favorites such as "Murdercise," "Debbie Does Demons," "Voorhees: Night of the Beast," and "Reunion From Hell." Beyond acting, Jessa's diverse skills encompass comedy, hair and makeup artistry, modeling and more. Her journey began on stage as a trained dancer, laying the foundation for a well-rounded performing arts
Shingles the Movie
⭐ 3.8Crackcoon
⭐ 4.1The Art Of Killing
⭐ 0Reunion from Hell
⭐ 3XXX-Mas
⭐ 1CarousHELL 3
⭐ 0Cheerleader Camp Elimination
⭐ 0Debbie Does Demons
⭐ 2.1Shark Exorcist 2: Unholy Waters
⭐ 4Curse of the Weredeer
⭐ 0Wicked Witch
⭐ 0Murdercise
⭐ 3.9Satan Lives: The Rise of the Illuminati Hotties
⭐ 3.5Predatory Behavior
⭐ 0The Secret of Cuck Island
⭐ 2.7Deadly Dealings
⭐ 5.5He Knows
⭐ 3.6Slumber Party Slaughter Party 2
⭐ 1Please Don't Make Me 2
⭐ 0Darbie's Scream House
⭐ 0Curtains for Christmas
⭐ 10Air Fryer Slaughter
⭐ 10Psycho Science
⭐ 0Cannibal Hookers
⭐ 1The Embalmers
⭐ 0Bigfoot Exorcist
⭐ 4Onlyfangs
⭐ 0Babezilla vs. the Cyber Skanks: Rise of Mechababezilla
⭐ 0Space Babes from Outer Space
⭐ 4.068Voorhees: Night of the Beast
⭐ 0Amityville Barbi
⭐ 0Screw Year's Eve
⭐ 0Sea of Madness
⭐ 0