From 1992 to 1995, Franziska Petri studied at the renowned „Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Art“ in Berlin. Her cinema debut was a part in „The Big Mambo“ („Das Mambospiel“) by Michael Gwisdek in 1997, which opened the 48th Berlin International Film Festival. With her first leading role in in the award-winning „Forget America“ („Vergiss Amerika“) she attracted both critics' and audiences' attention. After leading roles in the most
Vergiss Amerika
⭐ 5.2The Heart Is a Dark Forest
⭐ 5.8Max and Moritz Reloaded
⭐ 2.4Long Shadows
⭐ 5.3Betrayal
⭐ 6.3Leo & Claire
⭐ 7.5Tage des Sturms
⭐ 2.5The Volcano
⭐ 8The Big Mambo
⭐ 0Das unreine Mal
⭐ 1Annas Fluch-Tödliche Gedanken
⭐ 5Der Kronzeuge
⭐ 6Wen die Liebe trifft
⭐ 5Mord an der roten Rita
⭐ 0Midsommar Stories
⭐ 2Porno!Melo!Drama!
⭐ 8Platonow
⭐ 1Wenn eine Mutter ihr Leben verspielt
⭐ 8Der Tag, an dem ich meinen toten Mann traf
⭐ 4The Duelist
⭐ 6.3Dolores
⭐ 6.6Sommernachtsmord
⭐ 4.9Die Nachtschwester
⭐ 4Operation Medusa
⭐ 0Endloser Horizont
⭐ 4Unsere Kinder! - Verschollen im Urlaub
⭐ 0Wolfsland – Irrlichter
⭐ 7Für Miriam
⭐ 4Off Season
⭐ 5Hotel Auschwitz
⭐ 0Come Closer
⭐ 1⭐ 7⭐ 7⭐ 7⭐ 6.2⭐ 6.2⭐ 5.833⭐ 5.6⭐ 3.4⭐ 7⭐ 5.2⭐ 5.2⭐ 6⭐ 7.2⭐ 6.1⭐ 8⭐ 5.2⭐ 1⭐ 6.2⭐ 6.5⭐ 5⭐ 7⭐ 6.9⭐ 5