Her Sister's Keeper
⭐ 7.5Project Vampire
⭐ 4The Wedding Year
⭐ 5.9Crossbar
⭐ 5Death Flash
⭐ 2Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster
⭐ 5.5The Judge and Jake Wyler
⭐ 3The Corpse Grinders 2
⭐ 4.7Head Office
⭐ 5.2That Certain Summer
⭐ 6.9Cats & Dogs
⭐ 5.376The Ice Pirates
⭐ 5.609Ice Blues
⭐ 5.5The Dead Talk Back
⭐ 2Shallow Ground
⭐ 5Amber's Story
⭐ 6.8Glory! Glory!
⭐ 7Dog's Best Friend
⭐ 2The Channel
⭐ 3.633The Washingtonians
⭐ 5.4The Awakening of Candra
⭐ 6I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore
⭐ 6.5Mission: Killfast
⭐ 4.2The Aquarians
⭐ 6Cavedweller
⭐ 6.25A Decent Proposal
⭐ 2Three Days of the Condor
⭐ 7.3Heaven Can Help
⭐ 0DC 9/11: Time of Crisis
⭐ 6.826Truth or Dare
⭐ 5.9Mistress of Paradise
⭐ 5Spoonaur
⭐ 0