Roy Arne Lennart Andersson is a Swedish film director, best known for his distinctive style of absurdist humor and melancholic depictions of human life. His personal style is characterized by long takes, and stiff caricaturing of Swedish culture and grotesque. Over his career Andersson earned prizes from the Cannes Film Festival, Berlin International Film Festival and Venice International Film Festival. Andersson spent much of his professional life working on advertisement spots,
Bergman: A Year in a Life
⭐ 7.4You Do the Best You Can
⭐ 0Obsessions du deuxième étage
⭐ 0The Greatness of the Small Man
⭐ 0Life at Any Cost
⭐ 6.5With a View to Realism: The Making of Man on the Roof
⭐ 0Tomorrow's Another Day
⭐ 6Lev människa... för helvete... så länge du kan!
⭐ 0The Andersson Brothers
⭐ 8Room 1112
⭐ 6.4Citizen Schein
⭐ 6På genomresa - en intervju med Roy Andersson
⭐ 0Being a Human Person
⭐ 5.7Året var 1970
⭐ 0