Youth with Us
⭐ 0Товарищ генерал
⭐ 0Bouquet of Mimosa and Other Flowers
⭐ 0Big Boy
⭐ 8Costume Designer
⭐ 0Justification Paganini
⭐ 0They Were Known Only By Their Faces
⭐ 5.5Spanish Actress for Russian Minister
⭐ 5.7The Rockets Should Not Fly Up
⭐ 0Night Without Mercy
⭐ 0I Am 11-17
⭐ 0Executed at the Dawn
⭐ 0Torrents of Steel
⭐ 0Спутник планеты Уран
⭐ 0On the Eve of Departure
⭐ 0Improbability Theory
⭐ 0Poslednyaya Osen
⭐ 0The Liberation of Prague
⭐ 2Strong with Spirit
⭐ 6.7Lucia di Lammermoor
⭐ 0Lev Tolstoy
⭐ 4.2Third Time
⭐ 4.2No Password Necessary
⭐ 6The Fight in the Taiga
⭐ 4.5Maigret at the Minister
⭐ 8.5Синдикат-2
⭐ 5.6Black Sun
⭐ 0The Love of Mankind
⭐ 3.7You Will Gain In Battle
⭐ 3Edge
⭐ 0Introduction to Life
⭐ 4.4Snake Catcher
⭐ 3A Long Path on a Short Day
⭐ 4The Man Who Doubts
⭐ 0Starling and Lyre
⭐ 5.5Десятый шаг
⭐ 0Petrovka Street, Number 38
⭐ 6⭐ 7.7⭐ 0