Collection of Films for the Armed #3
⭐ 0Seven Old Men and One Girl
⭐ 5.6A Wonder Mill
⭐ 7An Extraordinary Assignment
⭐ 5Miraculous Well
⭐ 8The Great Glinka
⭐ 6True Friends
⭐ 7.1My Dear Fellow
⭐ 4.6Great Citizen
⭐ 4.1The Youth of Maxim
⭐ 5.8The Return of Maxim
⭐ 5The Vyborg Side
⭐ 5.1There Were Three Bachelors
⭐ 5.5Chapayev
⭐ 6.11812
⭐ 5.3TsOKS in Alma-Ata
⭐ 0The Alive and the Dead
⭐ 5.7The Girlfriends
⭐ 5Cain the XVIII-th
⭐ 4.5Aleksandr Parkhomenko
⭐ 4.7Li-ittle!
⭐ 0Minin and Pozharsky
⭐ 5.625Kiev Resident
⭐ 7.5Alone
⭐ 5.182Heirs
⭐ 8Боевой киносборник №1
⭐ 0Brother
⭐ 0Moon on the Left
⭐ 0Golden Mountains
⭐ 5.5Song of Happiness
⭐ 0Peasants
⭐ 5.9The Miners of Donetsk
⭐ 6We Await Your Victorious Return
⭐ 5.7With your own hands
⭐ 0Next to us
⭐ 3.7The Anxious Night
⭐ 0Своя голова на плечах
⭐ 0The Blue Cup
⭐ 0Ivan Nikulin: Russian Sailor
⭐ 5The Lost Photography
⭐ 7Short Stories
⭐ 0Kashtanka
⭐ 7.4The Frog Princess
⭐ 7Townspeople
⭐ 3.7We Are Taking All The Fire
⭐ 5.4Dream of a Cossack
⭐ 5.429For the Power of the Soviets
⭐ 6My Son
⭐ 0Мечты сбываются
⭐ 5A Trip Without a Load
⭐ 4.75The Island of Miracles
⭐ 0Izhora Battalion
⭐ 7Musicians of the Same Regiment
⭐ 6Guerrillas in the steppes of Ukraine
⭐ 5Our Friend Maxim
⭐ 0Sud chesti
⭐ 6The Defense of Volotchayevsk
⭐ 0Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балде
⭐ 0The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish
⭐ 8.2Little Filip
⭐ 0The Man with the Gun
⭐ 4.7Bonivur's Heart
⭐ 5.75Antosha Rybkin
⭐ 5The Parasite
⭐ 3Helen and Grapes
⭐ 0По собственному желанию
⭐ 0Фронт
⭐ 5The Strogovs
⭐ 6People of Dimitrovgrad
⭐ 0Are You Kidding?
⭐ 3The New Teacher
⭐ 4.3A Sinful Angel
⭐ 0Tri vstrechi
⭐ 6Horizon
⭐ 2First Visitor
⭐ 6Rebellious Outpost
⭐ 0Spring Tale
⭐ 0Dew
⭐ 0