The Lion is Ready to Jump
â 3.7Egy ember, aki nincs
â 0Cantata
â 6.6Catherine' Marriage
â 0Impostors
â 5Danse Macabre
â 0The Captive of Gorod
â 6Ragaszkodom a szerelemhez
â 0Two Girls on the Street
â 7.5Silent Monastery
â 0Faithful for Nothing
â 0Harlequin and Her Lover
â 0The Siege of Beszterce
â 8Fleeing Man
â 0One Bad Egg
â 0Two Confessions
â 5Alfa Romeo and Julia
â 5Underground Colony
â 4Lady Seeks a Room
â 7The Crucial Moment
â 7A Strange Mark of Identity
â 0Daughter of the Night
â 0Erkel
â 10Penny
â 5The Day of Wrath
â 0Ward No. 9
â 0Which of the Nine?
â 0FĂ©rfihƱsĂ©g
â 0KeresztĂșton
â 0FĂ©ny Ă©s ĂĄrnyĂ©k
â 0â 0