⭐ 6.5The Picador
⭐ 0Bad Seed
⭐ 5.7Roger la Honte
⭐ 0Mam'zelle Nitouche
⭐ 5.5Love and Cool Water
⭐ 4Pleasures of Paris
⭐ 0L'Article 382
⭐ 0La dactylo se marie
⭐ 0Toboggan
⭐ 0Le Secret d'une nuit
⭐ 0Le Chéri de sa concierge
⭐ 0Ferdinand the Roisterer
⭐ 6.5Dawn Over France
⭐ 7.7Coup de vent
⭐ 0The Kings of Sport
⭐ 6.3Un scandale aux Galeries
⭐ 0La course à la vertu
⭐ 0In Venice, One Night
⭐ 1Blanchette
⭐ 0L'Ange du foyer
⭐ 0Balthazar
⭐ 0The New Rich
⭐ 7Sideral Cruises
⭐ 7.2The Tamer
⭐ 0Those of the Sky
⭐ 0Berlingot and Company
⭐ 5.8Twisted Mistress
⭐ 6.4L'Arlésienne
⭐ 6.8Her First Affair
⭐ 6.5Premier bal
⭐ 5.8Parade in 7 Nights
⭐ 4.5Sins of Youth
⭐ 5.5The Benefactor
⭐ 7.2Second Childhood
⭐ 0Happy Go Lucky
⭐ 6.2Last Desire
⭐ 0President Haudecoeur
⭐ 6Le Roi des galéjeurs
⭐ 0La Chèvre d'or
⭐ 0Immortal France
⭐ 5.8Malaria
⭐ 0Whims
⭐ 6Voyage Without Hope
⭐ 7.9The Well-Digger's Daughter
⭐ 6.9The Bride of Darkness
⭐ 5.4Le gardian
⭐ 0L'Aventure de Cabassou
⭐ 5The King of Dodgers
⭐ 1La Parade du rire
⭐ 0The Marriage of Ramuntcho
⭐ 5Colomba
⭐ 0False Identity
⭐ 8One Night at the Tabarin
⭐ 0Le voleur se porte bien
⭐ 0The Red Signal
⭐ 0Two Loves
⭐ 5La vie est un rêve
⭐ 0Tartarin of Tarascon
⭐ 7La Dame de chez Maxim's
⭐ 5Heartbeat
⭐ 6.9The Strange Monsieur Victor
⭐ 6.9The Baker's Wife
⭐ 7.4They Were Five
⭐ 7.2César
⭐ 7.565First Offence
⭐ 0Fanny
⭐ 7.397The New Rich
⭐ 7The Wonderful Day
⭐ 8The Twins of Brighton
⭐ 7Forty Little Mothers
⭐ 6Hoboes in Paradise
⭐ 7Dance House
⭐ 4.3The Lafleur Cavalryman
⭐ 5The Last One of the Six
⭐ 6.2Mirages of Paris
⭐ 6Une femme coupée en morceaux
⭐ 0Camp Thirteen
⭐ 0Truant School
⭐ 7Le sexe faible
⭐ 0