Magali Vendeuil (1926–2009) was a French stage and film actress who also appeared in television productions. She was a member of the Comédie-Française between 1950 and 1961. She played the female lead in several films including the 1955 thriller More Whiskey for Callaghan. She was married to fellow actor Robert Lamoureux. Source: Article "Magali Vendeuil" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Échec et meurtre
⭐ 8Drôle de noce
⭐ 4.5Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur
⭐ 0L'Amour foot
⭐ 4.2More Whiskey for Callaghan
⭐ 6Fernand the Tramp
⭐ 6Impossible Is Not French
⭐ 6.6La Taupe
⭐ 0Diable d'homme
⭐ 0La Brune que voilà
⭐ 5.3Beauties of the Night
⭐ 6.2Double Verdict
⭐ 0Trial at the Vatican
⭐ 6Une fille épatante
⭐ 3Now Where Did the Seventh Company Get to?
⭐ 7.277Impossible Is Not French
⭐ 6.6Frédéric
⭐ 10Si je peux me permettre
⭐ 3.5Le Charlatan
⭐ 0⭐ 4⭐ 7.5⭐ 7.5⭐ 5.8⭐ 0