Frank Warner Capra, known as Frank Capra Jr., was an American film and television producer. He was one of the three children of film director Frank Capra and his second wife, Lucille. His own sons, Frank Capra III and Jonathan Capra, are assistant directors. At the time of his death, Capra Jr. was president of EUE/Screen Gems studio, which he had helped to found in Wilmington, North Carolina, in the mid-1980s,
Frank Capra, Jr. Remembers... 'American Madness'
⭐ 0Frank Capra's American Dream
⭐ 6.2Frank Capra Jr. Remembers: 'It Happened One Night'
⭐ 6.3Frank Capra Jr. Remembers... Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
⭐ 0Beyond Wiseguys: Italian Americans & the Movies
⭐ 7Behind the Planet of the Apes
⭐ 7.093Frank Capra Jr. Remembers... You Can't Take It With You
⭐ 0Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life': A Personal Remembrance
⭐ 6