Ray Brooks is a British actor famous for his role as the narrator in the classic children's cartoon series Mr Benn, for the films The Knack...And How To Get It, Daleks - Invasion Earth: 2150AD and Cathy Come Home, and for the TV series Big Deal and Growing Pains. In recent years he played Joe Macer, the husband and murderer of Albert Square stalwart Pauline Fowler, in the BBC's
The Flesh and Blood Show
⭐ 5.6The Knack... and How to Get It
⭐ 5.915Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.
⭐ 6.161Carry On Abroad
⭐ 6.3The Last Grenade
⭐ 5.2House of Whipcord
⭐ 6.109Office Romances
⭐ 0The Cherry Orchard
⭐ 0Some of Your Bits Ain't Nice!
⭐ 0Tiffany Jones
⭐ 4.4Some People
⭐ 7Captured
⭐ 4.6The Enigmatic Charlotte Rampling
⭐ 6.8Dr. Who: Classic Movie Double Bill
⭐ 0Cathy Come Home
⭐ 7.3The Middle-of-the-Road Roadshow
⭐ 0H.M.S. Defiant
⭐ 6.5Assassin
⭐ 5.2Baffled!
⭐ 4.9Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
⭐ 6.154The Pickwick Papers
⭐ 0A Touch of the Tiny Hacketts
⭐ 0The World of Eddie Weary
⭐ 0Play It Cool
⭐ 5.9Office Party
⭐ 0⭐ 4.1⭐ 6.8⭐ 7.7⭐ 7.063⭐ 5.7⭐ 6.7⭐ 6⭐ 9.5⭐ 6⭐ 5⭐ 6⭐ 6⭐ 3.8⭐ 5.5⭐ 7.5⭐ 7.2⭐ 5.5⭐ 4.5⭐ 7.031⭐ 6.9⭐ 4.5⭐ 6.1⭐ 6