Kenneth Robert Wilson, better known by his stage name Ginger Fish, is an American drummer primarily known for playing drums for Marilyn Manson from 1995 to 2011. Like Marilyn Manson, which combines the names of an iconic beauty with a serial killer, his name combines those of Ginger Rogers and Albert Fish. He is now the drummer for Rob Zombie after previously joining him on a series of warm-up dates in
Marilyn Manson - Guns, God and Government World Tour
⭐ 7.3Nine Inch Nails: Closure
⭐ 7.4Marilyn Manson: Dead to the World
⭐ 7.8Marilyn Manson: God Is In the TV
⭐ 8.8Rob Zombie: The Zombie Horror Picture Show
⭐ 8.3Rob Zombie: Rock In Rio 2013
⭐ 5Marilyn Manson: Lest We Forget
⭐ 8.7Marilyn Manson - The Death Parade
⭐ 8