Pride 1
⭐ 6UFC 3: The American Dream
⭐ 6.5UFC 8: David vs. Goliath
⭐ 6.1UFC 43: Meltdown
⭐ 6.7UFC 48: Payback
⭐ 5.6UFC 11.5: Ultimate Ultimate 2
⭐ 6.8Kimo's Fierce Fighting NO-Holds Barred
⭐ 0Pride Bushido 8
⭐ 0The Dog Problem
⭐ 5.92Avengers Grimm
⭐ 4.1UFC 16: Battle In The Bayou
⭐ 5.9In the Closet
⭐ 0The Process
⭐ 0Bullet
⭐ 4.3⭐ 6.5