Andrew Shaver is a Canadian actor and director based in Toronto. He is trained at Ecole Jacques Lecoq in Paris, France and has worked extensively as a theatre actor and director across the world. His production of Sherlock Holmes, originally starring Jay Baruchel, is lined up for an American commercial transfer. He also produces a live music series, The Church Sessions, as part of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Ontario.
Christmas in My Heart
⭐ 5.9Orphan
⭐ 7The Last Kiss
⭐ 6Banshee
⭐ 7Wandering Eye
⭐ 5.5Adventures in the Land of Asha
⭐ 6.8Last Call
⭐ 4My Thesis Film: A Thesis Film by Erik Anderson
⭐ 0300
⭐ 7.185Sharp Corner
⭐ 6Utopia
⭐ 4.8Free Fall
⭐ 3.7Arrival
⭐ 7.609The Glass Castle
⭐ 7.1Sahara
⭐ 5.9Black Swarm
⭐ 4.222Cruising Bar 2
⭐ 5.7I'm Not There
⭐ 6.5