Francisco Díaz Rocha, known as Chico Díaz (Mexico City, February 16, 1959), is a Peruvian-Brazilian actor born in Mexico. Graduated in architecture and urban planning, he worked in theater from the age of fourteen. His first work in his artistic life was in 1982 on the big screen in O Sonho não Acabou. With all the main awards in Brazilian cinema, namely Gramado Brasília, Recife and Rio de Janeiro, he
O Magnata
⭐ 5.6Celebração - 100 Anos do Cinema Nacional
⭐ 0Ouro Negro
⭐ 0Diário Dentro da Noite
⭐ 0Mango Yellow
⭐ 6.6Avaete, Seed of Revenge
⭐ 4.6Vermelho Monet
⭐ 0The Forest
⭐ 5.9Águia na Cabeça
⭐ 4.8Luzia Homem
⭐ 5.2The Patriot
⭐ 4.2Belly Up
⭐ 5.7Barrela: Escola de Crimes
⭐ 1Perfumed Ball
⭐ 7.3The Colour of His Destiny
⭐ 5.4Words with Gods
⭐ 5.7Dó-Ré-Mi-Fábrica
⭐ 0Corisco & Dadá
⭐ 6.9Candango: Memoirs from a Festival
⭐ 5Angels of the Sun
⭐ 7.3Os Pobres Diabos
⭐ 7The Dream's Not Over
⭐ 3.5Quilombo
⭐ 6.769Talking Cinema
⭐ 4Rio's Love Song
⭐ 6.3Aventuras de um Paraíba
⭐ 1Hélio Melo
⭐ 0The Ardor
⭐ 4.7Praça Saens Peña
⭐ 7Em Nome da Lei
⭐ 6.1The Midday Sun
⭐ 0Fable of the Beautiful Pigeon-Fancier
⭐ 4Where the River Runs Black
⭐ 6.4O Tronco
⭐ 0Oração do Amor Selvagem
⭐ 6.7Travessia
⭐ 4.5Parahyba Mulher Macho
⭐ 4.5Blue Desert
⭐ 1Benjamim
⭐ 4.6Guerra do Paraguay
⭐ 7O Humanismo de Frei Betto
⭐ 0Napomuceno's Will
⭐ 2Going to Brazil
⭐ 4.81º de Abril, Brasil
⭐ 0Garrincha: Lonely Star
⭐ 4.2As Alegres Comadres
⭐ 7Doces Poderes
⭐ 5.8The Third Bank of the River
⭐ 5.4Lua Cambará - Nas Escadarias do Palácio
⭐ 6Favorite Son
⭐ 4.3Innocence
⭐ 5.2Happy Hour: Verdades e Consequências
⭐ 3.7The Man in the Black Cape
⭐ 7The Story of Me
⭐ 6.4Cine Holliúdy 2: A Chibata Sideral
⭐ 6.3O Afeto Que Se Encerra Em Nosso Peito Juvenil
⭐ 0The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
⭐ 5.2Alien Nights
⭐ 6.7Nightly Diary
⭐ 0Dossiê 50: Comício a Favor dos Náufragos
⭐ 0Santiago das Américas ou o Olho do Terceiro Mundo
⭐ 0Dona Flor and Her 2 Husbands
⭐ 6.3Chico Rei
⭐ 0Jonathas' Forest
⭐ 4.7Babenco: Tell Me When I Die
⭐ 7The Egg
⭐ 0The Inventor of Dreams
⭐ 10Em Busca de Carlos Zéfiro
⭐ 3.5Gabriela
⭐ 5.8Cachaça
⭐ 6.7Quem Você Mais Deseja
⭐ 0De Sentinela
⭐ 0Jaguar Man
⭐ 5.3Don't Play with Tigers
⭐ 5.7Special Agents
⭐ 0⭐ 7.821⭐ 8.2⭐ 7.1⭐ 7.2⭐ 7.6⭐ 0⭐ 6.8⭐ 7⭐ 8.222⭐ 8.4⭐ 7.2⭐ 8.1⭐ 7.3⭐ 8.143⭐ 7.2⭐ 8.1⭐ 0⭐ 4⭐ 0⭐ 7.962