Robert Benchley (September 15, 1889 - November 21, 1945) was an American humorist, a newspaper columnist and an actor.
The Reluctant Dragon
⭐ 6.6I Married a Witch
⭐ 6.8Nice Girl?
⭐ 5.3You'll Never Get Rich
⭐ 6.6Road to Utopia
⭐ 6.6The Sky's the Limit
⭐ 6.167Dancing Lady
⭐ 6.9Broadway Melody of 1938
⭐ 6.2The Major and the Minor
⭐ 7Bedtime Story
⭐ 5.9China Seas
⭐ 6.3Showbiz Goes to War
⭐ 10See Here, Private Hargrove
⭐ 6Week-End at the Waldorf
⭐ 6Three Girls About Town
⭐ 5.3Syncopation
⭐ 6.8Hired Wife
⭐ 6.8Take a Letter, Darling
⭐ 6.5Young and Willing
⭐ 0The Spellbinder
⭐ 0Lesson No. 1
⭐ 0Furnace Trouble
⭐ 0Stewed, Fried and Boiled
⭐ 0How to Break 90 at Croquet
⭐ 0Sunday Night at the Trocadero
⭐ 4.2Rafter Romance
⭐ 6.5The Stork Club
⭐ 5.5Flesh and Fantasy
⭐ 6.7The Sex Life of the Polyp
⭐ 4.583Piccadilly Jim
⭐ 6.5How to Be a Detective
⭐ 6.6Headline Shooter
⭐ 5.8Practically Yours
⭐ 0Live, Love and Learn
⭐ 5.8How to Sleep
⭐ 6.4A Night at the Movies
⭐ 5.3The Bride Wore Boots
⭐ 5.9The Treasurer's Report
⭐ 3Janie
⭐ 5.5Janie Gets Married
⭐ 6How to Start the Day
⭐ 6Foreign Correspondent
⭐ 6.968Kiss and Tell
⭐ 5.6Pan-Americana
⭐ 3.6The Pixar Story
⭐ 7.5The Sport Parade
⭐ 5.286Social Register
⭐ 4.5Hollywood: The Selznick Years
⭐ 3.3How to Eat
⭐ 5Important Business
⭐ 0How to Behave
⭐ 7.5My Tomato
⭐ 7How to Train a Dog
⭐ 7Mental Poise
⭐ 5.5The Romance of Digestion
⭐ 8Snafu
⭐ 6An Hour for Lunch
⭐ 4.5How to Figure Income Tax
⭐ 6How to Vote
⭐ 7Why Daddy?
⭐ 5.2Her Primitive Man
⭐ 6See Your Doctor
⭐ 5.8Home Movies
⭐ 6It's in the Bag!
⭐ 5Nothing But Nerves
⭐ 1How to Read
⭐ 5.2The National Barn Dance
⭐ 0Song of Russia
⭐ 8Boogie Woogie
⭐ 0That Inferior Feeling
⭐ 5.4How to Watch Football
⭐ 4.8Home Early
⭐ 0Hollywood Victory Caravan
⭐ 5.2Duffy's Tavern
⭐ 6.1Your Technocracy and Mine
⭐ 0How to Raise a Baby
⭐ 5The Forgotten Man
⭐ 9David O. Selznick: Your New Producer
⭐ 0Keeping in Shape
⭐ 2How to Take a Vacation
⭐ 7.5Waiting for Baby
⭐ 0The Courtship of the Newt
⭐ 0An Evening Alone
⭐ 6.5Opening Day
⭐ 6The Day of Rest
⭐ 4.5No News Is Good News
⭐ 4How to Sub-Let
⭐ 3.5Dark Magic
⭐ 6Show-Business at War
⭐ 7That's Entertainment, Part II
⭐ 6.851The Witness
⭐ 6.5The Trouble with Husbands
⭐ 6.2Crime Control
⭐ 4.8Music Made Simple
⭐ 0The Ten-Year Lunch
⭐ 6.4Walt Disney's Fables - Vol.6
⭐ 8.8The Big Parade of Comedy
⭐ 6.3Sunkist Stars at Palm Springs
⭐ 1