⭐ 0The Starmaker
⭐ 0Pandora's Mirror
⭐ 6.7Anal Intruder
⭐ 0Breaker Beauties
⭐ 3Revenge and Punishment
⭐ 0Prey of a Call Girl
⭐ 0Teenage Deviate
⭐ 4.5Lustfire
⭐ 0South Bronx Story
⭐ 0Inside Jennifer Welles
⭐ 3.5The Erotic World of Vanessa
⭐ 0Black Sheep of the Family
⭐ 0The Stimulators
⭐ 7Young Twins
⭐ 0American Desire
⭐ 5Urges in Young Females
⭐ 0Princess
⭐ 5Bad Attitude
⭐ 6The Night Bird
⭐ 6.5A Girl's Best Friend
⭐ 4Justine: A Matter of Innocence
⭐ 7.1Afternoon Delights
⭐ 8Nasty Nurses
⭐ 0The Prince of Porn
⭐ 0White Hot
⭐ 0Mystique
⭐ 5.2Babylon Pink
⭐ 4.6Angel in Distress
⭐ 4Double Your Pleasure
⭐ 4October Silk
⭐ 4Sweet Throat
⭐ 0Dirty Lily
⭐ 4.5Silence of the G.A.M.S.
⭐ 2Double Pleasure
⭐ 0Bad Penny
⭐ 5Manhattan Mistress
⭐ 3The Tale of Tiffany Lust
⭐ 5.8The Love-In Arrangement
⭐ 0Hunk
⭐ 0Inside Seka
⭐ 7.8Sunny
⭐ 6.5Sweet Surrender
⭐ 0Silky
⭐ 0Hot Dreams
⭐ 4Heaven's Touch
⭐ 7Daughters of Discipline
⭐ 1Slave of Pleasure
⭐ 10Business as Usual
⭐ 0Tara Tara Tara Tara
⭐ 4The Fur Trap
⭐ 0Nasty Girls
⭐ 8Mistress Electra
⭐ 0Prisoner of Pleasure
⭐ 0Her Total Response
⭐ 0Show Your Love
⭐ 0The Temptress
⭐ 6The Pink Ladies
⭐ 5Eighteen and Horny
⭐ 2Jailhouse Girls
⭐ 4Centurians of Rome
⭐ 7Angela In Wonderland
⭐ 6Decadence
⭐ 0Rambone: The First Time
⭐ 0Pain Mania
⭐ 0Secrets of a Willing Wife
⭐ 7Rip-Off of Millie
⭐ 0Prized Possession
⭐ 0Sizzle
⭐ 0The Pleasures of Innocence
⭐ 4Pink Punk
⭐ 0Platinum Paradise
⭐ 6.5Oriental Techniques in Pain and Pleasure
⭐ 0The Love Couch
⭐ 0Joy
⭐ 6.3Getting Ahead
⭐ 0Missing Pieces
⭐ 0Erotic Moments
⭐ 3Angie Police Women
⭐ 3Secrets of Seka
⭐ 0Head Trip
⭐ 0Head Waiter
⭐ 0New York Construction Co.
⭐ 0Girls USA
⭐ 0